First Day
Starting childcare is an exciting time that is full of new experiences and sometimes it can be emotional and challenging for both you and your child.
Our highly skilled and trained educators can work together with you to build the strong and supportive relationships needed for your child’s successful transition from home care into group care at our centre.
What should I pack for my child?
When packing your child’s bag, it is good to think about the essential items that they would need at childcare. This would include:
- Spare clothes (At least 2 sets of general clothing, however if your child is toilet training provide at least 6 extra pairs of underwear)
- Hat
- Water bottle suitable for your child’s age
- Bedsheets with blanket (Bedding from home gives the child a sense of connection to home and family)
- Formula and bottle for our little learners
Arriving at Little Steps
On your child’s first day at Little Steps Early Learning we will sign your child’s name in on our iPad and proceed to the classroom where they will have their own locker with their name. Our highly trained educators will give you a little insight of what your child’s day will look like during the day.

What will help your child to settle in?
Every child is different, some may settle quickly some may need more time to getting familiar with the new environment and routine. We recommend to start with short days then gradually increase their time spent at the service. Our staff will provide you the honest feedback and suggestions.
Parents are welcome to contact our service at any time to check how your child is settling.
Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye is never easy, especially on a child’s first day at childcare. Our team at Little Steps Early Learning understand a parents worry and concern but we recommend it is best for parents to give a quick hug and wave goodbye confidently and reassure the child that you will be back later. This is important as it gives your child a sense of security.
Before you know it, this will ease in to be part of your child’s routine and they will be off happily playing with their friends.

Staying connected
You may wonder what your child has been up to during their time at childcare. During your child’s first few days or weeks, you can expect a call from our educators to let you know how your child is settling in.
Our online platform, Earlyworks, is designed to review your child’s daily photos, journals, individual observations and daily communication sent by our educator.